Over the years I have probably used every type of supplement on the market while working and owning horses; joint supplements, tummy soothers, pick me ups, calm me downs, happy hoofies, golden oldie ones, the list is endless and also very expensive.

Supplement companies spend millions of pounds every year on making us believe that their supplement is best and will work where others have failed, they prey on our insecurities and our need to fix whatever problem we ‘think’ needs fixing.

They use clever slogans to draw us in;” this pot will last you 45 days” but what they really mean is this pot will last you 45 days after you have done the loading dose for a month, which you will need 3 pots for and then as long as you horse is smaller than 13hh it will last you 45 days.

I am guilty of being drawn in by marketing campaigns, especially when Internet shopping as you have all the promises but not the actual pot in front of you to study.

Most supplements have a place and with such vigorous guidelines they shouldn’t really do your horse any harm only empty your wallet.

My parting words to you would be, be careful when choosing your supplement, talk to the manufacturer if you can, most have a helpline you can call before you buy or talk to your vet, they will normally give your their recommendation or if all else fails make sure you read the instructions carefully. Most supplements will need a loading dose for one to three months before you go onto a maintenance dose which may work out very expensive and there could be cheaper alternatives out there so do your homework before you buy.